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Pipes frozen after freezing temperatures? Here's what to do


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — The warmer temperatures are causing some frozen pipes to burst. The Colorado Springs Fire Department is among those dealing with broken pipes.

Firefighters said they responded to more than 20 calls for broken pipes and fire sprinkler heads Tuesday. They are reminding everyone to be prepared for the possibility of broken pipes as we thaw out from subzero temperatures.

So, what happens if its too late, and your pipes are already frozen?

Plumbers said you can use a space heater to help thaw out the area. If water is leaking, shut it off to prevent further damage.

"Anything below 32 degrees fahrenheit will start to cause a freeze, but it has to be extreme," Marvin Guida, Owner of Western Peak Plumbing, said. "No water usage, water's not moving through the pipes. Once it gets down to a certain degree, as long as the water's moving and it's heated, it shouldn't freeze."

Guida said it is better to prepare ahead of the cold weather. You can do so by letting your faucets drip. Disconnecting outdoor hoses also protects the water pipes inside your home.

Pipes frozen after freezing temperatures? Here's what to do