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Biden approves major disaster declaration for Colorado following June storms, Highlands Ranch tornado

Federal response supplements Gov. Polis’ emergency declaration following small EF-1 tornado in Highlands Ranch this summer
Posted 1:27 AM, Aug 26, 2023
and last updated 4:18 AM, Aug 26, 2023

DENVER – Federal funds are now available as Colorado continues to recover from this summer’s severe weather after President Joe Biden approved a major disaster declaration for our state on Friday.

Federal funds will now be available to the state, tribal and other eligible local governments for emergency work and repair following severe storms, floods and tornadoes throughout the month of June for Cheyenne, Douglas, Elbert, El Paso, Kit Carson and Lincoln counties, according to a news release from the White House.

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Photos: Highlands Ranch tornado, damage from Thursday's storm

Jeff Anastasio
9:58 PM, Jun 23, 2023

The approval of these federal funds came about two months after Governor Jared Polis approved a disaster emergency declaration for Elbert, El Paso, Lincoln and Washington counties.

“I applaud the White House for this action and thank the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and local officials who worked closely together to assess damages and determine if and when a county needs support from the state or federal government to enhance their efforts in providing support for Colorado communities,” said Gov. Polis in a prepared statement.

The statement from the governor’s office also said that the state’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) will request FEMA include any other counties for federal funding who qualify to receive such funds due to severe weather from the June storms.

Biden approves major disaster declaration for Colorado following June storms

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