Denver7 Weather


Denver's second hottest summer, La Niña winter outlook: Denver7, CPR climate conversation

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Denver7 Chief Meteorologist Mike Nelson and Colorado Public Radio host Ryan Warner sit down for their September 2024 climate conversation.

In this month's talk:

  • Denver's second hottest summer: What the data from Denver's newest weather station is telling us about average temperatures, as the city recorded its second warmest summer on record.
  • Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone: The phenomenon on the other side of the world that could be playing a role in a milder-than-expected hurricane season as well as European flooding.
  • La Niña winter outlook in Colorado: What a shift to a La Niña weather pattern could mean for Colorado's ski resorts.
  • First snow? Mike and Ryan make their guesses as to when Denver will see it's first measurable snowfall of the season.

Watch the full conversation in the video player below:

Denver's hot summer, La Nina winter outlook: Denver7, CPR climate conversation