Denver7 Traffic


Investigators don't find anything concerning, nefarious with truck fire near Kipling St. and EB I-70 Wednesday

Denver7 takes viewer concern to police about truck fire blowing smoke over Wheat Ridge during Wednesday morning commute.
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WHEAT RIDGE, Colo. — A truck caught fire near the Kipling Street on-ramp to eastbound Interstate 70 Wednesday morning, the Wheat Ridge Police Department confirmed, after Denver7 got pictures from viewer Jared Call.

The fire investigators did not note anything concerning that would suggest anything nefarious, Wheat Ridge PD told Denver7.

The driver was not on scene by the time Wheat Ridge police arrived around 4:05 a.m., Call said, and smoke was blowing over the city. The truck was abandoned and burning. The fire department arrived around 4:10 a.m., Call said.

Wheat Ridge police blocked the right lane from Kipling to I-70 eastbound, but it didn't impact morning commute drive times, Denver7's Allie Jennerjahn reported.

Investigators don't find anything nefarious with truck fire near Kipling, I-70

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