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Runners Roost in Boulder seeing an increase in business ahead of the BOLDERBoulder

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BOULDER, Colo. — At Runners Roost in Boulder, all of the employees are working together to make sure racers are prepared for the BOLDERBoulder on Memorial Day. That means making sure participants have the best shoes and athletic gear to run the race.

"It’s been chaotic, glorious, chaos, I don’t know how else to say it, it’s very exciting. Thousands of people are walking through the store getting their BOLDERBoulder packets, getting ready for the Memorial Day 10k," Store Manager of Runners Roost Boulder Tricia Vieth said.

Vieth shared with Denver7 that business continues to be "phenomenal". The BOLDERBoulder is bringing more than 40,000 people to Boulder which will continue to keep the city's economy running by pumping money also into local businesses.

Runners Roost in Boulder seeing an increase in business ahead of the BOLDERBoulder

Ahead of the run Vieth says shoes are the number one thing people buy, believe it or not, leading up to the race. With those purchases of shoes and more Runners Roost is pulling in great business.

"This store alone is expected to increase by 53% over last year, today we actually go down to Pearl Street and set up for the sports exhibit, that will encompass all of Saturday and Sunday, so we will have a booth down there with Nike where we are selling our BOLDERBoulder product, Nike Product," Vieth said.

Vieth added that they focus on giving customers great customer service plus specials and deals to hopefully create long-term customers.

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