HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. — The HitStreak 14U softball team from Centennial recently held a food drive for St. Elizabeth's Pantry at Pax Christi Church in Highlands Ranch.

Lionel Bienvenu
The players and coaches delivered the food and toiletries to the pantry, and also stocked the food on the shelves.

Lionel Bienvenu
This team is the definition of being a "good sport." We hope other teams and young athletes will do the same!

Lionel Bienvenu
The St. Elizabeth's Pantry is open every Friday from 10:00 a.m. to noon.

Lionel Bienvenu
Denver7 encourages all youth sports teams to get involved in their communities. To be featured on Denver7 Good Sports, contact Denver7 Sports Director Lionel Bienvenu at lionel.bienvenu@denver7.com.
HitStreak 14U softball team from Centennial holds food drive for church pantry