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Aurora Public Schools hosts 41st annual sports camp for wheelchair athletes

 Colorado Junior Wheelchair Sports Camp
Posted at 9:33 PM, Jun 04, 2024

For more than 40 years, Aurora Public Schools has hosted a sports camp for wheelchair athletes. Organizers say it gives Colorado students the chance to get active and create friendships.

Mark Deschamp, head counselor for the Colorado Junior Wheelchair Sports Camp, was born with spina bifida and has used a wheelchair his whole life. He started attending the camp 41 years ago and now serves as a mentor for the kids.

“We introduce them to a variety of sports," Deschamp explained. "Sports they can connect with and really have a lifelong passion for.”

Aside from learning how to play sports, Deschamp said the friendships formed at camp are what makes it so special.

“I have friends that I met at camp and we are still friends. I'm 47 years old," Deschamp said. "Meeting other kids with their same abilities brings them out of their shell."

Deschamp is a role model to the 60-plus participants and enjoys seeing their confidence grow each day.

“I don't want to inspire, I just want to say, "You can do this,"" Deschamp said. "People that I know have really lived a long time just kept active all their lives. And to me that's, that's most important."

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