FORT COLLINS, Colo. — As the broadcast trucks roll into Boulder, the national TV shows get their stages set, and the sports network headlines continue to be about ‘Coach Prime,’ the other side of the Rocky Mountain Showdown is getting ready as well. Denver7’s Jason Gruenauer chatted with Brian Roth, the voice of the CSU Rams, about the upcoming game.
Q: Where does this year's version of the Rocky Mountain showdown rank for you?
A: It reminds me a lot of those early 2000s games where they were down in Denver, there were seventy-five, seventy-six thousand fans there. One of the two teams was ranked, whether it be Colorado State, whether it be Colorado, and just a really good college football atmospheres. So obviously, with what Deion Sanders has done there in Colorado, it's raised the profile of Colorado for sure, but it's raised the profile now of this Rocky Mountain Showdown. And I think that's great for college football here in the state of Colorado.

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Q: Does CSU hear the hype? And how are they approaching what’s probably going to be a wild atmosphere in Boulder?
A: Of course Colorado State, the players, the coaches, they understand the hype with College Game Day going to be there and all the pomp and circumstance that's going to come with the game on Saturday night. But you know, it's something they're embracing. Why wouldn't you? I mean, this is what you live for. If you're a kid going to college, you want to play in big college games, you want to play in stadiums that are full, you want to play in games that have this type of anticipation.
Q: How do you think CSU pulls the upset?
A: First things first is Colorado State has to make an improvement over Week 1 to Week 2. Number two, you go into that game and you hope to get some turnovers, right? I mean, you've got to win the turnover battle, you have to have some bounces go your way. And then, number three. This is a Colorado football team that is coming off two really big games: TCU, Nebraska. Guess what's next on their schedule? You have Oregon in Eugene. Following that, you have USC going to Boulder. So there's two big games sitting out there and everybody is telling the Buffaloes they're going to win against Colorado State. It has already been decided. And I'm not saying it will, but perhaps the Buffaloes enter that game thinking that they already have the contest in hand.

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