FORT MORGAN, Colo. — A Western Sugar Co-Op worker died Wednesday following reported exposure to a chemical leak, Morgan County Sheriff Dave Martin announced Thursday.
"The cause of death is being investigated by the Morgan County Sheriff's Office and the Morgan County Coroner's Office. This investigation will involve lab work and will likely take weeks for the results to come in," Sheriff Martin said.
Another employee and two Fort Morgan firefighters were also treated for exposure at Saint Elizabeth Hospital in Fort Morgan and released, according to the sheriff's office.
"It is our belief through onsite discussion with plant officials and air monitoring by first responders that the exposure sustained was Hydrogen Sulfide gas (H2S)," Sheriff Martin said.
Around 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, the Morgan County Sheriff's Office, ambulance service and volunteer fire department got a call that a man was down and unconscious, Sheriff Martin said. As first responders were on their way, they learned another person was also down.
Two Western Sugar employees were ultimately rescued from a confined space about ten feet below ground.
"There is NO Chemical release that has taken place at the Western Sugar properties. The production of H2S gas is a naturally, biologically occurring instance. The general public is not in danger," Sheriff Martin said.