

Colorado heating professionals share best ways to prepare your furnace for winter weather

The biggest mistake people make is forgetting to change their filter, I.C.E. Heating and Cooling experts say

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Looking at a furnace can be confusing for any homeowner who doesn’t have a background in heating and air conditioning. The professionals at I.C.E. Heating and Cooling explained what you can do to make sure your furnace is ready to take on the winter weather.

If the system is taking longer to heat than it used to, call a professional. The average lifespan of a furnace is between 15-30 years. That’s quite a big difference. So, if you take good care of your furnace, it can last much longer. Experts say the biggest mistake people make is forgetting to change their filter.

“Winter is coming so it’s time to be prepared. Make sure you change your filters. It’s absolutely vital to change your filter before it starts getting cold. The single biggest mistake people make, is the single easiest thing that someone can rectify. We always recommend getting your furnace serviced before it gets cold,” Joshua Griffiths, co-owner of I.C.E. Heating and Cooling, said.

“Those filters slow down air flow and become extremely strenuous on the system, having to work with the limited airflow. Things overheat, it’s very hard on the electronics, very hard on the heat exchanger. It can cost you thousands of dollars just by not replacing that filter," Griffiths said.

Here are some ways you can prepare your furnace for the winter temperatures:

1. Change the filter
2. Uncover heating vents
3. Test safety monitors
4. Check for smells
5. Listen for noises
6. Know when to call a professional

There is one more trick to save money, I.C.E. Heating and Cooling professionals said. It seems simple but just turning your thermostat down by two degrees of your preference, will cut down your energy bill.

How to prepare your furnace for winter