

Black Hills Energy, Nature’s Educators partner to protect birds of prey in Southern Colorado

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FREMONT COUNTY, Colo. — Black Hills Energy and the nonprofit Nature's Educators are launching a unique partnership to expand education programs aimed at protecting birds of prey in Southern Colorado.

The nonprofit uses eagles, hawks and owls in education programs across the state.

“Our organization takes the birds that cannot be released back to the wild — be it missing an eye, blind or missing part of a wing and can't fly,” Nature’s Educators founder Devin Jaffe said.

As part of the education programs, the birds participate in lessons on conservation and protecting raptors in the wild.

“We hope that by seeing these birds up close and personal and getting a real actual story with them rather than just a picture or a video, people make a much stronger connection,” Jaffe said.

The collaboration will make way for Nature’s Educators to bring its birds and conservation lessons to many more schools in communities served by Black Hill Energy.

“Black Hills Energy has an avian protection program that's specific to the state of Colorado. We work with and partner with Nature's Educators for the protection of bird species in Colorado,” Black Hills Energy Senior Environmental Professional Austin Belcher said.

Click here to learn more about Nature’s Educators.

Protecting birds of prey with unique partnership in southern Colorado