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What's That?: Free Range Beehives maintains hives in your backyard

You get to keep all the honey, and their beekeepers come check on your hive every few weeks
Free Range Beehive
and last updated

DENVER — Who doesn't want an office of 50,000 workers in their backyard?

Free Range Beehives, a company that installs and maintains beehives on companies' properties, has expanded to a residential sector in the last year.

Denver7 visited one the homes of its clients recently and peeked inside the pink box that you would never guess was a hive (until you notice some buzzing).

"They help [our garden] grow more things because they pollinate, and [we] help them to live and proliferate," homeowner Tracey Smith said when discussing her experience.

She also said she's never been stung, and keep in mind, she's allergic to them!

In the above story, you can hear more about this experience, and see me fearfully hold a shelf full of worker bees.

For more information, you can head here.