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Volunteer brings virtual reality headsets to local senior centers

Helps residents "visit" places all over the world
Seniors enjoy using virtual reality headsets

LITTLETON, Colo. — Traveling is a lot easier from a recliner.

For seniors at Thrive Care Homes in Littleton Wednesday, many of the residents got to "visit" places all over the world thanks to virtual reality headsets brought by a volunteer.

That volunteer is 87-year-old Clarence Robinson, who visits senior facilities multiple times a week.

About a year ago, Aviant Healthcare, where Robinson regularly volunteers, was granted a couple headsets from Wish Of A Lifetime to help seniors who could not travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Robinson, whose wife had died a few years earlier from Alzheimer's, became very passionate about using these headsets to help seniors experience both new and familiar places through virtual reality.

"I think it's very helpful for seniors because it gives them a chance to go someplace that they may not be physically able to go to today," Robinson said. "Of course, I'm not saying that the headsets are better than actually going, but it certainly beats staring at four walls."

In the above video, you can hear from Robinson and a resident on the benefits of this technology, for seniors both with and without dementia.

If you would like to have Clarence visit a senior center in your neck of the woods, you can email blotze@avianthealthcare.com or call 720-231-6248.