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Colorado's team returns from the World Sign Spinning Championships

If your teen still needs a summer job, spinning signs could be a unique opportunity
Colorado Sign Spinning
Posted 2:24 PM, Apr 11, 2023

DENVER — Who wants to scoop ice cream this summer, when your first job could be twirling an eight-pound arrow?

Just ask the Colorado branch of Arrow, an international company that contracts people to spin physical, pointed advertisements. This could be for a grand opening, apartment open house, or even a graduation celebration.

"I believe this is a great first time job," said branch manager, Shamon Ingram. "There aren't that many jobs where you can get outside and enjoy nature."

In fact, not only can this be a job, but our local squad even just returned from the World Sign Spinning Championships, in Las Vegas.

In the video above, you can learn more about our local Arrow crew's trip to Nevada, and watch me flail around endlessly with a Denver7 sign.

Colorado's team returns from the World Sign Spinning Championships