

Uvalde teacher originally accused of propping school door suing gun manufacturer

Texas School Shooting
Posted 2:31 PM, Jun 03, 2022
and last updated 5:20 PM, Jun 03, 2022

Emilia Marin, a teacher authorities initially said propped a door open at Robb Elementary School before a gunman entered, killing 21, is preparing to sue a gun manufacturer, her attorney told CNN.

Authorities later retracted their statement, clarifying that Marin closed the door before the gunman entered. The door, law enforcement officials said, did not lock properly, allowing the gunman to enter.

Marin reportedly called 911 as she heard people scream, “he’s got a gun,” across the street at a funeral home.

Attorney Don Flanary told CNN that she huddled in a classroom after Marin closed the door and hid under the counter.

"She thought he was going to come in and kill her and she made peace with that," said Flanary.

Although initial law enforcement reports about a door being propped open were inaccurate, Flanary said the experience was traumatic for Marin.

"She second-guessed herself, like, 'Did I not do that?'" he told CNN.

Flanary filed a deposition against Daniel Defense on Marin’s behalf.