

President Biden, first lady honor teachers at the White House

Biden Teachers
Posted 12:41 AM, Oct 19, 2021

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden recognized the 2020 and 2021 National Teachers of the Year at the White House on Monday.

The president was a special guest at the event, which was originally scheduled to feature his wife, who is also a teacher, and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona.

“You know, when you think about it, the single-most consequential people in the world, beyond our parents — God willing, if we have them — is our teachers,” Biden said.

Prior to the president’s special appearance, the first lady praised teachers for educating children during a challenging time.

“You and teachers like you have found the courage and strength to keep going,” the first lady said.

Juliana Urtubey, a special education teacher from Las Vegas, Nevada and Tabatha Rosproy, preschool teacher in Winfield, Kansas, received apple-shaped awards for being named National Teacher of the Year.

Previously scheduled ceremonies were delayed due to the pandemic.