

Search continues Thursday for 23-year-old man last heard from on Longs Peak

Team above Black Lake glassing Longs Peak below the Ledges and Trough on Keyhole Route May 14 2024Courtesy RMNP.jpg
Dog search efforts Battle Mountain area Rocky Mountain National Park May 15.jpg
aerial recon May 15 cloud cover 12,700 feet compressed.jpg
Searchers in Hunter's Creek area glassing Keplinger's Coulier May 15 2024 Courtesy RMNP .jpg
and last updated

UPDATE: Search and rescue crews on Thursday recovered the body of Lucas Macaj.

The search continued Thursday for a 223-year-old man last heard from on Longs Peak, Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) said.

Search and rescue teams planned to ski the Clark's Arrows Route to the top of Keplinger's Coulier Thursday morning, according to RMNP.

Lucas Macaj, 23, was reported missing Sunday night after he didn't return from his hike to the summit of Longs Peak. He was last heard from around 1 p.m. Sunday when he texted a friend to say he made it to the summit. Monday, park rangers found his car still parked at the Longs Peak Trailhead.

Storms moved through the area Sunday afternoon, according to RMNP.

missing Lucas Macaj Rocky Mountain National Park


Search underway for missing man who was attempting to summit Longs Peak in RMNP

Sydney Isenberg

Wednesday, search and rescue teams skied into the Hunter's Creek drainage to the base of Keplinger's Coulier. And a dog team searched the Longs Peak Trail to Battle Mountain Junction, RMNP said. A third team hiked to the park's Chasm Shelter near Chasm Lake. They spent the night in the shelter to ski the Clark's Arrow Route Thursday morning.

The Colorado Army National Guard also flew over the area Wednesday looking for Macaj, but low clouds decreased visibility, according to RMNP.

Tuesday, strong winds, white out conditions and low visibility made it unsafe for a helicopter team to search the Loft area and the Keyhole Route on Longs Peak.

A team did snowshoe above Black Lake Tuesday to search above Longs Peak below The Trough and below The Ledges, RMNP said.

Search and rescue teams have been looking through photos captured by the aerial helicopter team for clues, according to RMNP.

Macaj is 5 feet 9 inches tall and 155 pounds with brown hair and green eyes. He was last seen wearing a dark-colored top, tan or brown pants, khaki-colored boots and a black backpack, according to RMNP. He may also be wearing a beanie and dark-colored gloves.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to call or text the National Park Service Investigative Services tip line at 888-653-0009. Tips can also be submitted online or through email at

Denver 7+ Colorado News Latest Headlines | May 16, 8am

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