

Xcel Energy removing hydroelectric dam at Fooses Reservoir near Salida


SALIDA, Colo. — Xcel Energy will begin removing the 218-foot earth and rock-fill hydroelectric dam at Fooses Reservoir near Salida this month, the company announced Wednesday.

The project to remove the dam, which is located in the Pike-San Isabel National Forests, is estimated to take until December 2024.

“Xcel Energy is decommissioning their dam and reconstructing the stream to a natural state because it is no longer necessary for power generation, and due to the costs of upkeep,” said Salida District Ranger Perry Edwards in a statement.

The company said it is working with Colorado Parks and Wildlife to ensure that fish are handled responsibly during the water removal process. Biologists will relocate fish from the reservoir using electrofishing and trap netting before transferring them downstream to ensure their survival.

During project construction, access to Forest Service Road 225 past Fooses Reservoir will be limited to foot and bicycle traffic only, Xcel said in a news release. A pedestrian access path will be available for public use.

The project will restore approximately 765 feet of Fooses Creek, including revegetation and fish habitat.

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