DENVER, Colo. -- Not everyone registered to vote in Colorado is a Democrat or a Republican. New data obtained by Denver7 reveals a growing number of unaffiliated voters in the state.
According to the latest numbers collected by Colorado Secretary of State office, there are 1,003,628 unaffiliated voters in our state. Republicans are second at 988,410 voters, followed by Democrats with 980,352 voters.
University of Colorado Denver political scientist Paul Teske can't pinpoint one single reason for the surge. Yet Teske points out Colorado's population is growing quickly and millennials may be expressing themselves.
"The millennials are seen as having many jobs in their careers and not necessarily staying with one organization for the entire time, it may be they think of political parties in a similar way," said Dr. Teske.
Savannah Allen represents most Colorado voters. She has chosen NOT to declare a political party.
"An invasion of privacy almost. Doesn't need to be matter of public record,” said Allen.
Research shows unaffiliated voters do have definite views and opinions.
That's why if you're one of the million plus unaffiliated voters - the campaigns want to find you
"If they can find them and target them and try to persuade them. That's where you get the biggest bang for the buck," said Dr. Teske.