DENVER — Two cases of Candida auris, a fungus that can cause serious infections in higher-risk people, have been reported in Colorado.
According to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the two confirmed cases in the state were identified while receiving care in out-of-state facilities and were then transferred to Colorado for additional care.
CDPHE tells Denver7 both patients are receiving care in the Denver metro area. The health facilities treating the patients have followed what the CDPHE described as appropriate recommendations to prevent the transmission of the infection.
People who have higher risk factors or are in long-term health facilities are more at risk for an infection from C. auris, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The CDC reports C. auris can be multi-drug resistant and is spreading rapidly through U.S. health care facilities.
Health officials emphasize the risk of C. auris illness in people who do not have underlying medical conditions is low.
To help prevent the spread of Candida auris, CDPHE said basic procedures like frequent hand-washing with soap and water for 20 seconds and using hand sanitizer are effective, especially when touching high-traffic objects like doorknobs and light switches. It suggests especially taking these precautions when visiting hospitals, nursing homes or long-term health facilities.
This map from the CDC tracks cases of C. auris across the United States.