TWIN LAKES, Colo. — Lingering staffing issues, low wages and higher-than-expected online consumer purchases have all contributed to major worker shortages at the U.S. Postal Service.
“The mail delivery has been very erratic to non-existent,” said John Alexander, who owns a cabin rental business in Twin Lakes near Buena Vista.
Alexander and other customers say mail service completely stopped in mid-January.
“We did not receive mail from the 8th of January to the 18th of January,” Alexander said. “That makes it impossible to run a business. We’re not receiving our deposits. We’re not receiving our bills.”
A problem that’s even worse for those dependent on prescription medications through the mail.
“The medicine situation, that is critical,” Alexander said.
“There are people who need their medication,” Twin Lakes resident Kelly Sweeney said. “We had no notice of what was going on. I am so disappointed that there is no contingency plan to address something like this.”
The Postal Service says these challenges are not limited to mountain towns, they’re system-wide.
In fact, in Colorado, the Postal Service says they could hire an additional 600 people including postal carriers, clerks and other positions.
In a statement to Denver7, the Postal Service said, “We know we have not met service expectations… and are working hard to restore the respect of the public. In Buena Vista, we’ve been short as much as half of our carrier staff and our current employees are doing all they can to serve their customers.”
Alexander says the Postal Service made things worse by not allowing people to pick up their mail.
“They cannot hand it across the counter?” Alexander questioned. “So, you don’t even have the option of driving 25 miles to the post office to pick up your mail.”
The Postal Service is now sending employees from other parts of the state to help.
“Develop a plan,” Sweeney said. “Ask for help. I worked for the Department of Justice and when there was a big case coming down, they sent people from Denver to other cities – whether it was Albuquerque, Salt Lake City, or wherever. I don’t think doing nothing and not keeping us informed is in any way a solution.”