

Top three things you can do yourself to weatherize your home

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AURORA, Colo. -- Weatherizing your home can save you money on heating and keep your home warmer during the cold months. 

Each county around Colorado has a weatherization program. These are programs for income-restricted families to help conserve energy and save money on your utility bill. Some area utilities and counties even offer programs that will pay for all or most of it. 

Aurora resident Rose Lovato was once left trying to keep warm during the cold days of winter. 

"In the winter now, I just use a sheet and a comforter to sleep, I don't have a quilt or blanket or nothing now," Lovato said.

Lovato's home was weatherized last year. It was all done through Arapahoe County's weatherization program. First step, an energy audit because every house is different. 

"We might come in and we might insulate the attic, we'll definitely try to insulate the walls because we try to create a top to bottom type approach where we are sealing the house up," field supervisor Chuck Temple said. 

Not all families meet the income criteria, so Denver7 asked what are the top three things you can do at home yourself. 

Temple recommends the following:

  • Swap out light bulbs to LED bulbs.
  • Use a hot water heater blanket for your hot water tank.
  • Weather strip your doors.

"A good telltale sign on the effectiveness on the weather stripping is to look at the door and see if you can see any light," Temple said.

Arapahoe and Adams Counties weatherization program

Denver County weatherization program

Jefferson County weatherization program

Boulder County weatherization program

Xcel Energy programs