

Thornton neighbors push for safer streets near elementary school

“They love school, they're just always scared when they walk home”
Thornton neighbors push for safer streets near elementary school
and last updated

THORNTON, Colo. — Residents of an unincorporated Adams County neighborhood are concerned about their safety as drivers speed up and down residential streets near an elementary school.

Karla Delgado has four children, and her two youngest go to Coronado Hills Elementary School. The family lives across the street from the school, but her kids are sometimes scared to walk home.

“We have crosswalks. Nobody stops for them at the crosswalks," Karla said.

Thornton neighbors push for safer streets near elementary school

Karla's husband Anthony said the kids are scared of drivers speeding on either Franklin Street or Nueva Vista Drive.

“We've seen two rollover accidents right here in this intersection, in a 25-mile-per-hour zone. They'll still get their cars flipped over," said Anthony. “If we could at least get speed humps, is what we tried telling them, you know, that would help out tremendously.”

The Delgados said they have reached out to local law enforcement, Adams County, and the school to try and help. However, they also said they have been trying to make the streets safer for years, and feel their voices are not being heard.

“I believe being in unincorporated [Adams County] is a huge factor in why nothing's getting done. You can't really get a hold of the right person in order to get speed humps around here, or maybe additional stop signs," Karla explained. “On the other side of 88th, they have numerous speed humps. It's a huge help. I mean, I've driven through the neighborhood just to see how they work. And I love it. I mean, people are slowing down, their kids seem safer... Over here, you know, our kids fear crossing the street.”

Jacobe Delgado started fifth grade this year and was excited to be back with friends and meet his new teachers. He wants drivers to understand there are lots of children in the neighborhood, who may be playing outside at any time.

“I hope they know that there are kids on this road, and there's a school and you're not supposed to be speeding around here. And there's a stop sign for a reason," Jacobe said.

A spokesperson with Adams County said their Public Works or Roads divisions conduct speed studies and surveys to decide where to put speed control. Since county offices are closed on Sunday, those with Adams County said they will send over information related to this intersection on Monday.