THORNTON, Colo. -- TopGolf International, Inc. is trying again in Thornton, this time in a different location.
The Thornton City Cuncil gave the green light Tuesday night to an administrative review of TopGolf’s latest proposed, near I-25 and 160th Ave, three miles north of the previous controversial location at I-25 and 136th Ave.
Neighbors who protested the old site with concerns about proximity to homes, noise and traffic said the new site is what they asked for in the first place.
"They kept saying there was no other alternative and now there is,” said Steve Bauer, a resident in the Rolling Hills subdivision. “So, we're happy about that and I think it'll be great for the city, great for the residents and great for the people that enjoy TopGolf. It's a win-win-win for everybody.”
David Jones also lives in Rolling Hills and said the city should have listened to residents, who wanted a TopGolf in the right location.
“I'm glad it's in Thornton. I'm going go. My family will go,” said Jones. “I'm also glad it's not in our neighborhood."
The new location is already zoned for retail space and is close to Costco and other major developments. There are no residences nearby.
The proposal will now go before city staff, who will work out a new incentive package. John Cody, the city’s economic development director, said that under the administrative review process, it will not go before the public or the council again.
"Entertainment is becoming more and more a part of retail development and that is certainly true in this case. It will help bring additional customers to that area,” said Cody.
If the proposal clears all the necessary hurdles, the deal could be finalized by Jan. 9.