

Search for deployed soldier's lost dog now includes professional search K-9s

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DENVER — In a new twist in the search for a deployed service member's lost dog, the man who lost the dog has now called in a pet tracking service.

The service is called Lost Pet Professionals and Tressa English is leading the team of dogs searching for Lola, the missing 1-year-old miniature Schnauzer.

English is well aware of the seriousness of her job.

"I can't imagine how helpless he feels," English said.

English is using four dogs in the search.

"We use Lola's harness,” English said. "It's a great scent article. We have to have something to work off of."      

David Powell is the dog-sitter for Lola and her brother, Apollo. Powell is watching them for a deployed Army soldier in Iraq.

"I still feel terrible,” Powell said. “It’s been such a distraction for me. It's so sad that I can't tell Lola’s owner over in Iraq that she's back and she's safe."

For English, it’s personal.

"I went through this with my own dog," English said. “It just really was devastating, not knowing."

English lost her dog Harley for six days. She hired Lost Pet Professionals and was so impressed with their services, she went to work for them.

“That made me want to help other people," she said.

But, this case is already proving to be a tough one. The hunt Wednesday led those search dogs to Zuni Park near 52nd Avenue and Zuni in northwest Denver and that is where the search dogs lost Lola's scent.

"The way she explains it, it means someone picked (Lola) up and has her," Powell said.

"She was likely picked up by somebody in a vehicle," English said.

So, next up? More posters. Lots of them, according to English.

"With cases like this, we mount a huge community awareness campaign," she said. “At this point, we have no reason to believe Lola is not with someone else.”

"At least somebody has her,” Powell said. “But it would be really nice if they'd return her."

English said the hope is that it’s not a bad actor holding Lola.

"It's going to depend on somebody coming forward," English said.

The tab for the professional search isn't cheap: About $1,000 a day. Powell has launched a GoFundMe page if you'd like to help with his expenses.