

Remember: You have 24 hours to clear snow off your Denver sidewalks

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DENVER — The snowstorms may be over, but the work for Denver homeowners may just be beginning. Homeowners have 24 hours after the last snowfall to clear sidewalks of snow and ice.

“Our number one priority is to make sure all travelers, walking or rolling today, are safe on our sidewalks,” Amanda Weston of the City of Denver said.

The city did have inspectors out but were being “lenient” on Tuesday as the snow still fell. They were back out on Wednesday making sure walkways were clear.

“You are talking fines if it’s not cleared in a reasonable amount of time,” Weston said.

Fines for a first offense are $150, $500 for a second, and $999 for a third or more violation. Businesses must have sidewalks cleared four hours after the last snow.

Denver7 found many people out and about shoveling on Wednesday, but still other untouched sidewalks.

The other concern is ice. The city says that inspectors look at snow and ice in the same light when it comes to what needs to be cleared; it all does.

“Ice does create a problem for people slipping and falling, so as clear as you can get it,” Weston said.

Fines can be levied against homeowners who clear snow but leave ice behind.