Denver7 Weather


October weather in Colorado with Danielle Grant: Full Denver7+ special

Denver7 meteorologist Danielle Grant takes a deep dive into what you can expect from the weather this month.
and last updated

October can still bring the heat in Colorado, but also significant snowfall in – and there is still amazing fall color in the mountains and foothills.

Denver7 meteorologist Danielle Grant takes a deep dive into what you can expect from the weather this month.

In this episode:

  • Danielle has the October averages, seasonal weather patterns and this year's longterm forecast
  • October weather history, including a famous Denver Broncos blizzard game 40 years ago
  • An updated leaf peeping forecast
  • Denver7 Mike Nelson and CPR's Ryan Warner discuss the second hottest summer on record in Denver and the outlook for a La Niña winter – and what it means for Colorado's ski resorts – in their latest "climate conversation."

Watch the full special in the video player below: