NORTHGLENN, Colo. — Residents of a Northglenn neighborhood gathered Saturday to celebrate that their voices were heard after weeks of speaking out against a proposed mental health transitional living home.
Friday, the City of Northglenn announced it had reached an agreement with the state regarding the facility, which is located at 11255 and 11275 Grant Drive. The resolution comes after several community members expressed concerns surrounding its location and operation.
A letter from the City of Northglenn that was sent out in mid-March, explaining the project and what types of patients were being considered for the facility, which included sex offenders.
According to a spokesperson for the City of Northglenn, staff members had a virtual meeting with state officials on Friday. Northglenn Mayor Meredith Leighty also spoke with the state separately via phone.
The city announced they reached an agreement with the state to respond to some of the community’s concerns. The facility will move forward, but the state has agreed to the following:
- Not to house sex offenders at the facility.
- To indefinitely follow the 1,000-foot distance requirement from schools in Northglenn.
- To remove the porch lattice and work with neighbors on the installation of a taller fence behind the property.
"I think it's really important just for everyone to know that you can make a difference," said Danielle Luciano, who lives near the site. "Previously, these facilities right here, were going to have sex offenders. The state has agreed to work with the residents here along with the city of Northglenn."
The city added that this is a two-year pilot program that may consider different criteria after that time and said they are hopeful the state will honor their commitment to a community-involved process if any changes are planned.
"This is a step in the right direction but it's definitely not the end," added Luciano.