

Hiker bit by rattlesnake in Denver area was a triathlete

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STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — A hiker who died after he was bit by a rattlesnake in popular open space park near Denver was a triathlete who credited endurance sports for saving his life.

Thirty-one-year-old Daniel Hohs was bit as he hiked at Mount Galbraith Saturday about a mile and half from the trailhead. It took first responders 22 minutes to reach him. He was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Steamboat Today reports that Hohs had recently moved to Golden from Steamboat Springs, where he worked in software consulting. He finished the Ironman race in Lousiville, Kentucky in 2014 and had been training with the IronEdge triathlon team.

In 2014, he wrote that being a triathlete helped him live with bipolar disorder and provided him with motivation to improve all parts of his life.