

Get to know Anusha Roy, the newest member of our Denver7 morning team

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DENVER — You may have noticed a new face on Denver7 this morning! Anusha Roy has joined us as the newest morning anchor, bringing 15 years of broadcasting experience with her.

She has called Denver home for the last eight years, but is from the Seattle, Washington area. Little did she know at the time, but her future husband was too.

"Our families live 15 minutes away from each other (in Washington)," she said. "I've known his sister since I was kid — we went to the same dance school."

Roy had only lived in Colorado about two months when a family friend introduced them. Fast forward a few years and in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, she married Mihir and they welcomed their first child.

The rest is history.

Get to know Anusah Roy, the newest member of the Denver7 morning team

Today, Roy and her husband feel like they have found their home in Colorado.

"It's such a great place to raise your kids and you have such a good quality of life here, and we've had a lot of good things happen to us in Colorado," she said. "We can't really imagine being anywhere else."

Their son is almost 3 years old, which is one of the reasons Roy wanted to work on the Denver7 morning team.

"I get to have so much time with him, which is just precious," she said. "It's exhausting, it's chaotic, but I wouldn't trade it for the world to have this time with him."

When she's not playing with her son, Roy loves yoga, kickboxing, reading and discovering new coffee shops and restaurants. She and her husband are self-proclaimed foodies.

Anusha Roy

"We're always looking for a really good Chinese place or a Thai place or a really good Indian place that feels a little bit like home for us since both my husband and I are from India," she said.

Both Roy and her sister are first-generation Americans. Their parents were born in India, then they came to the United States and had their families in America.

"Growing up every other summer, we'd go back to India because all of our family at that point was all in Pune, just south of Mumbai," Roy explained. "I actually did my first TV internship in West Bengal when I was in college."

"That's when I really got hooked on journalism... discovering the city in a way that you never do when you're visiting with family, right?" she said. "You only go to the shiny nice parts. But this time, I got to experience it for everything that the city was."

While she has not had a chance to take her son to India yet, they're starting to teach him about his culture.

"I'm from one part of India — I'm Bengali. His dad is Gujarati. So, he gets two different parts of India," Roy said.

Anusha Roy

That identity, upbringing and first internship experience were some of the big reasons she said she leaned into journalism.

"I didn't see a lot of South Asian women or Indian women in the business," she said.

She is proud to represent the community in that way. And we're proud to have her on our team.

Roy hopes every viewer at home will see how much common ground she shares with them.

"I feel more and more and more a part of the community and that changes you," she said. "You know, as a journalist and then also becoming a mom here completely changed me because for everyone else who's trying to figure out child care that doesn't bankrupt you, and where do you live... Those are all things that we are living right now, even with my family."

You can watch Roy on Denver7 mornings Monday through Friday. To learn more about her, read our story about her joining the Denver7 team.

Get to know Anusha Roy, the newest addition to Denver7