FRISCO, Colo. — The Town of Frisco has decided to fund a mural on the pedestrian and bicycle tunnel under Highway 9, and is now looking for an artist.
On Friday, the town announced that along with the Frisco Arts and Culture Council, it hopes to commission a vibrant outdoor mural on the tunnel, which connects recreational pathways near the Peninsula Recreation Area and the County Commons on the south side of Frisco.
The tunnel was built so pedestrians and bicyclists could safely cross Highway 9.
"This mural project could be a powerful way to mix art, outdoor recreation, everyday travel, and wayfinding by providing a surprising and unexpected experience," the Town of Frisco said in a press release. "The tunnel mural should improve the aesthetics of the underpass and contribute to the natural and built environments at the Peninsula Recreation Area, the County Commons, and the recreational pathway experience. The mural will also act as an informal wayfinding signal and invitation to use the tunnel, as it is visible from across the PRA and County Commons."

The town said the site has three primary spaces: the two facades (195 square feet each), which are concrete, and interior of the tunnel (5,232 square feet of paintable space), which is corrugated metal . Any artist interested in this project should consider all three areas, the town said. They can also include the 90-square-foot jersey barrier above the tunnel facades.
"Designs should be bright, colorful, inviting, and tap into the authentic and sometimes funky Frisco art and culture scene," the town said.
After the mural is completed, the Frisco Arts and Culture Council will remain responsible for its long-term care.
The town said the honorarium is $20,000 to $30,000 total.
Any artist interested in applying to create this mural must complete an application and submit it to Rose Gorrell at by 5 p.m. on March 15. After this, the Frisco Arts and Culture Council will review applications and notify the finalists. By mid-May, it will pick the winner and will submit the final decision to the Colorado Department of Transportation for approval.
The installation target is late summer to early fall of this year.
For more information and how to apply, click here.