

Freeze warning: Tips on protecting your plants, pipes, car

Freeze warning: Tips on protecting your plants, pipes, car
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DENVER -- The snow may have stopped dropping, but the temperatures haven’t. A Freeze Warning is in effect for areas along the Front Range until Tuesday at 10 a.m. Clearing skies and light winds will allow the temperature to drop well below freezing in most areas overnight.

The deep freeze means plumbers are ready for broken pipes. To prevent your pipes from freezing, open the cabinets and leave water dripping from the faucet.

If your pipes are frozen, you can try thawing them out yourself with a hair dryer or calling a plumber to use more professional methods.

Keep your car going in the cold weather

The cold temperatures are hard on your car, especially the battery. To avoid a dead battery in the morning, AAA advises removing items like your phone, iPod or GPS from your lighter socket.

Another big issue? The tires on your car.

The bitter cold air makes your tires more brittle, and they lose air pressure. Even if your tires are in good shape, they may not be by the end of the week.

AAA officials said by the end of this cold snap everyone would need to check their tire pressure. 

Keep the freeze from your plants

That dip in temperature poses a great threat to your plants.

Experts say that while new plant buyers may think the snow poses a great risk to plants, it’s the freezing temperatures that come after the snow has melted that pose the greater risk to your garden.

Gardeners advise homeowners to put frost blankets or even your bed sheets over your plants to protect them from getting cold-shocked.

One thing to avoid at all times? Plastic tarps.

Using plastic tarps is detrimental to plants, as the plastic acts as a conduit to transmit the cold temperatures to the leaf of the plant that the plastic is touching.