BRIGHTON, Colo. — Five-year-old Richard Blea knew exactly what he wanted for his birthday this year.
"I’m raising money for clean water to make the Navajo Nation healthy," said Richard, who, with the help of his family, set up a GoFundMe account less than a week ago.
His mother, Savannah Blea, says Richard’s interest in discovering his culture sparked from school projects and visiting family on the reservation.
"His own family members don’t have running water and I think that kind of hurt him," Blea said.
Richard’s desire to help comes during a time of great need for the Navajo Nation. More than 9,000 people have been infected with COVID-19 and nearly 500 have died from the new respiratory disease.
"Before the pandemic it was hard and now with the pandemic happening, I feel it’s gotten worse," said Blea.
A lack of infrastructure, grocery stores and overcrowded housing are only some of the issues that make the nation’s fight against COVID-19 more difficult.
"We’re marching towards $5,000, he’s going $10,000 now. Before he wanted a million but lets keep realistic,"Blea said.
Yet, no goal is too high for a 5 year old with hopes of saving a nation.