

Father, daughter from Denver providing RVs to firefighters who lost homes in Maui wildfires

Woody Faircloth, founder of Emergency RV, is helping provide free RV's to firefighters who lost their homes in Maui
woody and luna faircloth emergency rvs

DENVER — A father and daughter from Denver are doing their part to help fire-impacted families in Maui by helping provide shelter to those who lost everything in the flames.

Woody Faircloth founded the nonprofit EmergencyRV back in 2018 after the deadly Camp Fire in Paradise, Calif. Faircloth and his then 6-year-old daughter Luna, were watching the events unfold on television from Denver and were determined to help.

They set out to raise money to purchase an RV and deliver it to a family in need by Thanksgiving.

Word of their kind act spread quickly and people began to donate to their efforts.

Before the Faircloth’s knew it, they were delivering more and more RVs. Since 2018, EmergencyRV has helped hundreds of victims and expanded its mission to help many more victims of wildfires and other natural disasters. He and his daughter have been traveling across the country to help families in need.

This time, they are helping provide RVs to firefighters who have lost everything in the Maui fire.

"It never gets easy, we've been doing this work in disaster situations for years now. It's always new for the people going through it. We know what they're in for, it's a long road to get transitional shelter, RV's like these. It takes FEMA sometimes a year to get housing to disaster situations," said Faircloth.

On Friday, Woody and Luna packed up an RV to drive 17 hours to San Diego. It will be one of five RV's that will get shipped to Maui and donated to families of 18 firefighters who have lost their homes.

"They are still going to work everyday, sleeping in a firetruck or tent. It'll give them peace of mind to know their family has shelter now. They can come home, take a shower, cook dinner on a stove. It's perfect transitional housing in a situation like this," said Faircloth.

He said five RVs will be shipped to Maui this weekend. Five more will be sent in about a week.

Click here if you'd like to volunteer, donate an RV, or donate money to EmergencyRV.

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