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Fans heading to Rockies game get stuck on RTD light rail lines amid confusing alerts from agency

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DENVER — Fans heading to the Rockies game were introduced to ongoing issues with south metro light rail service when trains got stuck at stations along the E and H Lines Wednesday.

Separate from the downtown rail reconstruction project, delays on the lines have been impacting light rail service along the southeast metro corridor for at least the past five days.

On Wednesday, a packed H Line train was stopped at the Yale Station for more than 20 minutes around 10:30 a.m. with no explanation from the operator, save for a pre-recorded message apologizing for the delay.

Passengers expressed their frustration at the lack of updates and alternative options.

"I am frustrated," said Kathy, an H Line passenger heading to the game. "One reason being, there's no communication. They just keep pushing back the times."

Service alerts on the agency's website mention delays of up to 15 minutes. However, Kathy said the delays were significantly longer. And when a train does arrive, it doesn't move very fast, going about 10 mph between stations, she said.

RTD told Denver7 that Wednesday's delays were due, in part, to regularly scheduled inspections of its track along the corridor, but could not explain previous delays other than routine track maintenance.

They also said the Coping Panels Project, which has entered the final phase of repairing the caps on retaining walls, may also be causing delays.

Fans heading to Rockies game get stuck on RTD light rail lines amid confusing alerts from agency

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