DENVER-- UPS Road Code, a national teen safe driving program, along with the Denver Broncos Boys and Girls Club, launched a safe driving program for teens.
The program helps to educate teens on the dangers of distracted driving. It's an issue that's increased in Colorado and has gained much attention throughout the country. In 2015, 68 of the 246 traffic deaths in the state were caused by distracted driving. In 2014, 59 of the 488 traffic deaths in Colorado were caused by drivers not paying attention to the road.
"I always put my phone on 'do not disturb' so that I won't even think about touching it," said Carrea "CeCe" McNeal, one of the first graduates in the program.
McNeal is a new driver on the road. She said she got her driver's license in the summer, but wanted to be more prepared and understand how dangerous distracted driving can be.
"I took the program and it honestly helped me to be a better driver, a safer driver," McNeal said.
Chris Deal with UPS is one of the instructors.
"It's just amazing when we go and we teach these teens, it's not just a behind the wheel, we're giving them the guidance because they are from the ages of 13 to 18," Deal said.
Teens who go through the course will experience the dangers of distracted driving through virtual driving simulators. It's not only smart phones that divert attention away from the road.
"One of the biggest things are other kids in the car, those are some of the biggest distractions," said Deal.
The course will be offered Thursday at the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Denver.
- 4397 Crowne Blvd. in Denver
- 5pm to 7pm
- Free for any teen, no RSVP needed
- UPS plans to have other courses through the year.
Denver7 checked with some insurance agencies, Liberty Mutual, State Farm and Allstate offer discounts for teens who complete a safe driving course. It's best to reach out directly to your insurance agent and ask about the options that can be offered to you.
Editor's note: A previous version of this story incorrectly listed the location of the UPS Road Code course.