DENVER -- The problems at Regional Transportation District (RTD) parking lots aren't getting any better. After months of Denver7 reporting on the issues, we’re still getting calls and emails about stolen cars, break-ins and vandalism.
The latest pattern appears to be smash-and-grab thefts at RTD’s Central Park station. Denver7 witnessed several cars with their windows smashed at the station on Monday, which is a recurring theme, according to viewers.
One viewer wrote in an e-mail to Denver7, “I am writing and sharing photos of what is a daily occurrence at the Central Park RTD lot. I am reaching out as a concerned Denver resident.”
It goes on to say, “Who is responsible for this parking lot and what is being done about it? How do you expect us to feel safe leaving our cars?”
Denver7 documented that the passenger side window on a Toyota Tundra was completely shattered, and another sedan a few rows away had its back window shattered and the door lock damaged.
“I have seen a lot,” said Shelly Ameen, who works at the airport and parks in the lot regularly. “A lot of break-ins, almost every week or so.”
Ameen and others, like Lydia Williams, have sadly become accustomed to it.
“I see it every single night,” said Williams, who also works at the airport.
Last summer Denver7 reported on multiple thefts, including thieves drilling into gas tanks.
“I don’t plan on ever taking RTD until I’m confident there’s some sort of stepped-up measure of security to park your car,” said one man, who asked not to be identified.
He showed Denver7 video of gas leaking out of the tank of his Ford Raptor, which he parked in the lot to take the train to a Colorado Rockies game with his family.
RTD said Monday it is coordinating with the Denver Police Department on the latest rash of break-ins, and said it would have more information on Tuesday.
A spokesman for Denver PD told Denver7 they do connect with RTD security frequently. The department also conducts environmental assessments at businesses to make certain areas less inviting for thieves, including the addition of security cameras and signage.
Denver PD encourages riders to not leave valuables or anything that even looks valuable in their vehicles while parked in these lots.
Despite that, frustrations are escalating about a situation that doesn’t seem to be improving.
“It’s convenient to drive our cars here,” said one user. “But if we’re not going to be protected, we’ll have to make other arrangements.”