

DACA recipients hope Congress acts, deadline for renewals is today

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DENVER -- Thursday marks the deadline for DACA recipients to renew their permits, but it only applies to people whose permits expired between September 5, 2017 and March 5, 2018.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will no longer accept new permit requests. This comes after the Trump Administration announced the changes last month. No deal has been reached in Congress on what to do with the DACA program. 

"We are hoping the plan is that we are pushing for a clean DREAM ACT and this is the time for Congress to act now," said Cesiah Guadarramara. 

Guadarramara came to the U.S. as a child. She said her permit is only good for one more year. While she waits to see if Congress makes changes that would allow her to stay in the U.S. and go to law school, going back to Mexico wouldn't be easy.

"I went to school here, my family, my career, the future plans that I have, I envisioned them in this country and going back to Mexico would mean to relearn everything in a new country," Guadarramara said.