BOULDER, Colo. – The deputy chief of the CU Boulder Police Department will be leaving to head the CU Anschutz Medical Campus Police Department.
Randy Repola served as the deputy chief for five years in Boulder. He'll take his new post on Monday and replace former Chief Doug Abraham.
"Here's the one challenge," Repola said. "You're following a man who has built that department; who is a well-respected chief."
Repola will be heading a staff of 70 people between the two campuses, the medical center and the CU Denver campus downtown.
"My first two weeks, and maybe much longer, is to get to know the community," said Repola. "To get to understand the capacity of what they're capable of, and what the needs are."
Denver7 asked what some of the biggest crimes are between the two campuses. Property crimes are on his radar.
"Electronics, bikes. Bikes are an issue all throughout the metro area. They're getting stolen because they are easy to trade," Repola said. "So, that's part of my education during the first two weeks, two months, to get to understand what the immediate needs are."
Repola said the property crime statistics for the campuses are lower than the city of Aurora's stats.
One thing Repola wants to do more of is continue to create a better relationship with the people on campus and the community.
"Get out of the car, get engaged either informally or organized groups to maintain that connectivity with the community," said Repola.
That's not just important for university police departments, but Repola said, it's crucial for all police departments.
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