

Colorado man bitten by pet Gila monster died of complications from the desert lizard's venom

Colorado man dies after being bitten by his pet Gila monster

GOLDEN, Colo. (AP) — A Colorado man who was placed on life support after he was bitten by his pet Gila monster died of complications from the desert lizard's venom.

An autopsy report obtained by The Associated Press on Friday also found that heart and liver problems were significant contributing factors in 34-year-old Christopher Ward's death.

Deadly Gila Monster Bite


A Colorado man is dead after a pet Gila monster bite

The Associated Press

Ward was taken to a hospital after being bitten by one of his two pet Gila monsters at a Denver area home Feb. 12. His death less than four days later is believed to be the first from a Gila monster in the U.S. in almost a century.

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