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Colfax Marathon weekend pulls record attendance

A record 25,000 runners showed out to the Colfax Marathon this weekend, participating in eight races over two days.
Posted 8:51 PM, May 19, 2024
and last updated 11:59 AM, May 20, 2024

A record 25,000 runners showed out to the Colfax Marathon this weekend, participating in eight races over two days.

"So we have 1,500 volunteers, a couple hundred staff, several hundred police, 39 pacers, 9 bike leads, and all that can ratchet up if you have more runners," said Andrea Dowdy, CEO of Denver's Colfax Marathon.

On Sunday, Emad Bashir Mohammad set a course record for the men's half marathon.

"I have the opportunity, it's a privilege, so I have to do the best I can while I'm still young and healthy," he said.

Laurel Kruger set a women's marathon record, her first time running one.

"I feel really good. I've been hoping to break the course record for like a year now. I've been thinking about it, had it in mind for the whole training block," she said.

Colfax Marathon weekend pulls record attendance

Runners said it was a mental battle to make it through.

"I start breaking it up into chunks and I honestly felt a little stiff the first 5k, and I just told myself there’s a lot of more race to go so it’s okay don’t push, stay comfortable," said Erica Ruiz Murillo, the women's half marathon winner.

When the medal goes around their neck, though, they said it's nothing but pride.

"It’s not every day at 42 years old you’re just going to be enjoyed just really really truly to the core happy, proud of myself for coming out," said Fernando Cabada, men's marathon winner.

Dowdy said they had 135 charities sign up this year, and the marathon will award over $100,000 to local nonprofits.

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