

City crews help clean up south Denver street plagued with RV, trash problems

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DENVER — South Huron Street in the Ruby Hill neighborhood is in much better shape today than it was two weeks ago, neighbors say. Most of the RVs and piles of trash that once lined the street are gone.

"It looks great. I mean, as you can see, we only have one trailer left," said Mark Holligan, who works nearby. "We had trailers lining this whole block for the last six months. So, man, it's just night and day."

City crews were in the area last week, a spokesperson with Denver Police confirmed, to remove the RVs and clean up the street. Denver7 last spoke with Holligan on March 18 about the months-long problem he says went ignored.

"We're tired of the needles, the bottles of urine and feces that we got to look at. It's just a bad look on the street. It's a bad look for Denver," he said at the time.

It appears the city listened this time around to his and others' concerns, despite Holligan's multiple attempts in the past to get a response.

"Within a few days of your report, we saw immediate improvement," Holligan said.

But these questions remain — where did everyone go, and will they be back?

"It just seems like this is an opportunity for more people to move in unless we get the city to work with us and add some no parking signs or just put something else in place to keep this from happening," Holligan said.

A spokesperson with the Department of Housing Stability told Denver7 Friday that staff is now reviewing applications from groups who want to manage its safe parking site pilot program. It would give RV owners living on the streets somewhere safe to park while also connecting them with services. A site likely won't open until June.