NewsMarshall Fire


Boulder County couple moves into newly rebuilt home nearly two years after Marshall Fire

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Posted 10:54 PM, Aug 23, 2023
and last updated 12:34 PM, Aug 24, 2023

BOULDER COUNTY, Colo. — It's been a long journey for a Boulder County couple who lost everything in the Marshall Fire.

Nearly 20 months after their house burned down in unincorporated Boulder County, Pam and Dan Decker are ready to move into their new home.

"It's overwhelming, and it's unbelievable," Pam Decker said. "We can't believe we're finally here."

Wednesday, Denver7 caught up with the Deckers while they had several movers, friends, and family members help them move their items into the new house.

The couple said almost all of the furniture and items were donated by generous community members.

Even after losing it all, the couple was there to give other fire victims a glimmer of hope when they became the first in Boulder County to get a rebuilding permit back in May of 2022.

Boulder County couple moves into newly rebuilt home nearly two years after Marshall Fire

The couple's newly rebuilt home looks almost identical to the one they lost in the fire, which they had for 18 years with a few minor changes and additions.

“We loved it before, we loved what we had, and we just said we want the same home," Pam Decker said.

The couple said they can't wait to make new memories with their friends and family at their new home.

“There's no community like this community that has helped us. We would not be where we're at without family, without friends, without the Marshall community," she said.

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