The last drive-in movie theater in metro Denver — the 88 Drive-In at Commerce City — is closing.
And instead of a red sign shaped like an arrow and flickering Hollywood fare, drivers rolling past the theater, located in the relatively affordable Irondale neighborhood, may soon see an 80,500-square-foot industrial warehouse touted as an appealing amenity.
The local owner of the theater at 8780 Rosemary St., has decided to close it after showing movies since 1976. Developers have asked city council members to approve a re-zoning of the 6.5-acre drive-in site to allow construction of the proposed warehouse, Commerce City officials said in a Facebook post. City council members will consider the re-zoning request after a public hearing on the matter Monday evening.
“We know the drive-in theater is a valued part of the community for many people,” city officials said, distancing themselves from the closure.
“The owners of the 88 Drive-in Theater have chosen to step away from their business and go in a different direction for the future of that property. The decision to close the theater was not made by the city, and Commerce City has not asked or encouraged the drive-in to close its operation."
Read the full story on The Denver Post's website here.