DENVER -- The Colorado Rockies struck a deal Wednesday with the state to keep the team at Coors Field for 30 more years at no cost to taxpayers.
The stadium will be more than 50 years old by the time the lease is over. That’s plenty of time for you to discover some of the secrets about Coors Field we’re about to reveal.
Let's go behind the scenes and around the stadium to learn some of the secrets of Coors Field.
Secret No. 1: As you enter the clubhouse, you may notice something unexpected at the door -- a time clock.
Former Rockies' manager Clint Hurdle had the time clock installed years ago to set the tone and remind players they were punching the clock and they were there to work.
Secret No. 2: There's a wall in the weight room to separate the Rockies' area from the visiting team's area, but the Rockies' section is about three times the size of the visitor's section.
Secret No. 3: There's a kitchen for the players, coaches and staff.
We caught Chef Ray Dominguez as he was stocking up. Chef Ray said he makes three meals a day -- an arrival meal, a post-batti`ng practice spread and a post-game spread. He cooks for about 55 to 65 people.
He said the item he orders the most of is chicken and he cooks it lots of different ways. But he said the player's favorite item is Chef Ray's Big League Bacon. Ray says it's so thick it's 9-11 pieces of bacon per pound.
Secret No. 4: There's also two batting/pitching cages underground where the players can warm up or loosen up during a game or in inclement weather.
And just behind the door to the dugout are two stationary bikes if they need to warm up before they go out.
Secret No. 5: If you're looking for a player after a game, head for the player's video room.
Here the pitchers can see their pitches, the batters can see their swings and other video. They can also download the video to their iPads to study later.
Secret No. 6: The umpires don't arrive at the stadium, dressed and ready to go. They have their own lounge.
There's a drawer of snacks -- sunflower seeds, bubble gum, energy bars and more.
There's even a locker room.
And yes, the Rockies have all the umpire's names so they can change out the name plates above the lockers.
Secret No. 7 isn't much of a secret anymore. It's the Rockies humidor.
Since 2002, the Rockies have kept their baseballs in a special storage room that has the same temperature and humidity as the Rawlins distribution warehouse, team officials said.
"Before the balls would dry out, get slick and get harder to grip," officials explained. "The boxes are dated -- 1st ones in, 1st ones out."
Secret No. 8: The most expensive seats in the stadium are $250 EACH.
Those tickets are for the Coors Clubhouse -- what the Rockies call "premium seating" directly behind home plate.
If you don't want to fork over that much for a seat, here's what it looks like (with padded seats):
Ticket holders in this area have a private entrance, access to a private restaurant and lounge and enjoy complimentary dining in both the restaurant and their seats.
The cheapest tickets? Those are in the Rockpile, in center field, where tickets are $4 for adults, $1 for kids and seniors.
Speaking of seating, who is sitting at field level in right field?
Secret No. 9: The people you see under the out-of-town scoreboard are in the Warning Track Party Room.
Groups of 30 to 90 people can rent this room for about $100-$120 per person, which includes the game and a catered buffet.
Secret No. 10: There are seven fountains in center field that shoot water almost 40 feet in the air. The fountains go off when the Rockies take the field, when the Rockies hit a home run and during the 7th inning stretch.
Team officials said the fountains, trees, rocks and waterfalls were installed in 1996 to bring a little "piece of the mountains" into the stadium.
The trees are Colorado Spruce, Pinon Pine, Bristlecone Pine, Con Color Fir, Limber Pine, Gamble Oak and Curl Leaf Mahogany. The rocks are Navajo ruby sandstone and granite marble river boulders. The grass is Kentucky Blue Grass.
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