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President of Denver Police Union: 'We’re not gonna let Candi CdeBaca make us quit'

Posted 6:26 AM, Aug 20, 2020
and last updated 10:25 PM, Aug 21, 2020

DENVER -- It started as a call to clear a Denver encampment and enforce the city’s Unauthorized Camping ordinance. It’s turned into a full-blown controversy between a sitting Denver City Council member and the President of Denver’s Police Union.

Video obtained by Denver7 Investigates shows a street fight between a group of people and Denver Police officers. You can see officers using billy clubs and members of the group antagonizing officers during an eight-minute portion of the conflict.

It took place in the area of 29th Street and Glenarm street in Denver. The video was posted on Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca’s personal Facebook page. It shows what appears to be CdeBaca walking up to the conflict. The video shows rising tensions between the group and police officers and you can hear and see a second wave of officers arriving to try and take control of the situation.

Ranking sources inside the Denver Police Department confirmed for Denver7 that they believe organized anarchists sparked the conflict that was then captured on camera and posted on the Coucilwoman’s Facebook page.

The conflict and chaos shown in the video also included a controversial audio clip. You can hear a female voice talking to some of the group members. “Look, anybody who was hurt needs to sue. The liability went up after the state law changed. Everybody needs to start suing."

Ranking sources inside Denver’s City Hall believe that is the voice of Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca as the Facebook live video was posted on her personal and public Facebook page. The President of Denver’s Police Union also believes that was CdeBaca encouraging members of the antagonist group to file suit against the city.

“The most important thing I took away from this,” said Union President Nick Rogers, “is that a sitting representative, an elected official from the city and county of Denver, that the citizens elected was leading the charge to continue the chaos and destruction of our city."

Rogers has been a vocal critic of CdeBaca after she publicly proclaimed her interest in defunding Denver’s Police Department. The Councilwoman earlier in the week submitted an ordinance to replace Denver’s police force with a peace force. The proposal was defeated as she was the only councilmember to vote for it.

“We’re not gonna quit, we’re not gonna give up,” Rogers continued. “We’re not gonna let Candi CdeBaca make us quit. We’re not gonna let her win because we do what is right."

Calls and text messages to CdeBaca and her chief of staff by Denver7 were not returned at the time this story was broadcast and published online. Denver Police are investigating the entire incident.

One group member was arrested for possession of a replica firearm and two Denver police officers received minor injuries. Denver7 is requesting body camera video from the incident.

CdeBaca responded to the criticism on Thursday.