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Denver7 Investigates | Property manager pleads guilty over fence surrounding Parker restaurant

After Denver7 Investigates first reported on this dispute in February, the fence is now completely removed and the town's fines against the property manager have been dropped.
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Mitch Trevey

PARKER, Colo. — The property manager who had a fence installed surrounding the West Main Tap Room and Grill in Parker has had his day in court, and also some words for Denver7 Chief Investigator Tony Kovaleski.

Mitch Trevey, a local businessman and representative for Parker Main Street Partners, first appeared in a Parker Municipal Court on March 11 where he pleaded guilty after he was issued a summons stating that the fence was "illegally erected," and a violation of the town’s site plan. In exchange for that plea, the town waived a nearly $20,000 fine for keeping the fence up for 40 days.

On Tuesday, Trevey was required to confirm that the entire fence was removed in exchange for the fines being dropped. Denver7 Investigates has confirmed with town officials that he met those requirements.

The fence was erected in January in an effort to pressure the new owner of the Parker Hotel off of Main Street – Eagle Point Partners. Parker Main Street Partners owns the adjacent land and wanted Eagle Point Partners to pay for its share of a promenade that was constructed before its purchase of the property. Parker Main Street Partners had an agreement with the previous hotel owner to split the cost of the promenade. That owner has since gone bankrupt.

parker-restaurant-d7 investigates.jpg

Denver7 Investigates

Parker restaurant owner in middle of property dispute sees sales decline

Tony Kovaleski

The restaurant, a tenant of Eagle Point Hotel Partners, was caught in the middle of the dispute. The owner of West Main Tap Room and Grill said the fence made it appear that the restaurant was closed and that business was down as much as 30%.

Denver7 Investigates first reported on the dispute in February. Three days after that initial report, portions of the fence were removed.

  • We spoke with the restaurant owner after parts of the fence were taken down in February, where she said she was elated. Hear more from her in the below video from February.
Fence surrounding West Main Taproom Grill in Parker removed following Denver7 Investigates story

Denver7 Chief Investigative Reporter Tony Kovaleski went to the courthouse on March 11. Shortly after the court hearing where Trevey pleaded guilty, he caught up with him.

"I've agreed to plead guilty so I personally don't have to pay the $20,000 for all the mess that was brought up on the property owner I represent for having the fence up,” Trevey explained.

At the start of the conversation with Kovaleski, Trevey said he was hoping for peace, but did not regret ordering the fence installed.

But after that, Trevey became heated regarding Denver7 Investigates' prior news coverage and his treatment from parts of the community.

"There's no ending this evil," Trevey said.

Kovaleski asked, "So, the fight continues?"

“I didn't say the fight continues," Trevey responded. "There's no ending this evil."


He continued, accusing Denver7 Investigates of trashing him and his business and said that if the “truth had made it out,” no one would have attacked him.

Below is the rest of the exchange before Trevey left the building.

Trevey: “You having trouble understanding that?”

Kovaleski: “Yes. It almost sounds like a threat.”

Trevey: “There's no threat. Wow, you're really good at this. I hope you put that on camera. You're really good at this.”

Kovaleski: “I'm just asking questions.”

Trevey: “Why don't you make sure all the facts get out, OK, before I get fried again on social media like I did last time, like you trashed my business and I'm still reeling from it thanks to you.”

Kovealeski: "I trashed your business? Or the facts trashed your business?"

Trevey: “The way you presented them... If the truth made it out, nobody would have attacked me.”

Kovaleski: "But you pled guilty in there."

Trevey: “You're damn right I did.”

Kovaelski: “Doesn't that mean you did something wrong?”

Trevey: “No, absolutely not. I didn't do anything wrong.”

Kovaleski: “What’s happening?”

Trevey: “I'm nobody's victim. Tony, you just need to back down and stop this crap. I know you are really good at what you do, but it's garbage. What you're doing right now is garbage and you're playing along with evil... You participated in an attack on me personally.”  

Kovaleski: “I did my job as a journalist.” 

Trevey: “Yeah, back out on the news to stir crap back up, Tony. Good job. OK, you are part of the evil. Let's get that on film. He's part of the evil... Why don't you just stop?”

Kovaleski: “I am just trying to report information.” 

Trevey: “You are trying to make a bunch of garbage to get back on the media to further trash me.”  

Kovaleski: “I have a job to do.” 

Trevey: "I have a job to do too. I'm trying to stay in business and you're trying to run me out of business. Put that on film.”

You can watch the exchange in the video player above.

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