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Colorado Springs school district accused of refusing accommodations for 10-year-old with special needs

Victoria Broyles, 10, has severe special needs
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DENVER — A trial is happening this week in Denver after a girl's parents sued Academy School District 20 (D20), accusing the Colorado Springs school district of violating the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Ronny Broyles can rattle off a list of medical conditions his 10-year-old daughter, Victoria, lives with. Spina bifida, autism, MRSA, and about a dozen more are listed in a lawsuit his family filed against D20 in March.

The lawsuit states Victoria has "consistently been the subject of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)" since 2018. Her family claims a school district in California, as well as District 11 in Colorado Springs, made accommodations for Victoria to receive education at home.

"We wanted them to provide her an education in an environment that was safe for her, which is in the home," said Broyles.

The lawsuit alleges that D20 denied similar accommodations for Victoria in September 2023, requiring her to attend school in person. The complaint includes two notes attributed to Victoria's doctors advising she be home schooled to avoid exposure to viruses.

According to the lawsuit, D20 denied homebound care because the "District was able to care for other children with similar medical conditions."

"It's not about your... collective experience with other children. It's about what each child needs individually. Period," said Broyles.

D20 told Denver7 Investigates it will not comment on pending or ongoing litigation.

Documents show the district offered the Broyles a $10,000 settlement, outlining no changes to Victoria's proposed education plan. The Broyles refused to settle.

The trial will take place in a Denver courtroom at the Office of Administrative Courts this week. A verdict is expected to be made on June 7.

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