DENVER, Colo. — Denver entrepreneurs Rose and Caroline Matthes are taking their product pitch to the billionaire investors on ABC's "Shark Tank."
Their start-up, Poplight, is a rechargeable, detachable, decorative wall light in various colors. The episode was taped in October and will finally air Friday, Jan. 19, at 7 p.m. MST.
"We're excited to see how it turns out," said Caroline. "I would say we were like 90% nervous. We did a lot of chatting over how we hoped it would go. And, then you get in that room, and it's just an hour of full-business meeting, with lots of hard questions. I'm a big crier. I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm sad. So, tears were shed," said Caroline.
They say their product was designed for people like them, who are worried about knocking holes in walls to add lighting.
"We picture renters like us," said Rose. "People who care about style and want to make their apartments cute. We also think a lot about parents, people who are having their first kids, setting up a nursery. And, a lot of work-from-homers, too."
They weren't able to share details about the outcome of their pitch, but images of the taping show the "Sharks" with Poplights in their hands, and Rose and Caroline holding hands while being questioned about their company.
"It was just like so quiet you could hear a pin drop," said Caroline. "And, then we're being grilled by Mark Cuban."
Meanwhile, Rose and Caroline said they'll be throwing a watch party to celebrate their prime time fame with their closest friends and support group.
"We rented out a bar, at a local brewery," said Caroline. "We're going to give everyone beers so that they don't know how embarrassed we are."
The Poplight product will be available to ship later this year.