LITTLETON, Colo. — Faced with strong public pushback and a large turnout at its meeting Tuesday night, Littleton City Council voted 6-1 to indefinitely postpone a vote on a proposed ordinance that would have changed zoning regulations to allow denser housing options to be built across most of the city.
The ordinance would have allowed the construction of so-called “missing middle” housing, like duplexes and multiplexes, in zoning districts currently made up of mostly single-family homes.
The proposed changes are part of the city’s effort to increase Littleton’s housing options and affordability.
- Read through the initial presentation below
Hundreds arrived at Tuesday’s meeting, most in opposition to the proposed changes.
Critics told Denver7 the changes are too sweeping and would hurt the city’s character, taking away the charm and open spaces that attracted many of the city’s residents in the first place. Others argued that the changes would only encourage developers to build expensive versions of these multiplexes and townhomes, only adding to the lack of affordable housing.
Another point of contention came in the process of how the changes were introduced. Littleton City Council began discussing the changes in late 2023 and employed a survey and public review period last year. But opponents contended that communication was lacking and many did not become aware of the proposed changes — or how far-reaching they would be — until the 2024 holiday season was underway.
After the decision to postpone, members of the public responded with a round of applause.
“Our goal was to have smart, intelligent growth, said Chip Block, a member of the opposition group Save Old Littleton. “So there’s gotta be some sort of growth. But I’m just really happy that we’re all gonna sit down. More people are gonna have a seat at the table. There will be more input.”
Changes could still be coming to Littleton’s zoning rules in some form. City council members spoke before the postponement vote, most saying while they support a postponement for now, changes will be necessary to add housing options for future generations.

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